Saturday, May 15, 2010


I want to do something creative. Something constructive.
Something that leaves my legacy behind.
Not in the forms of my genes, my generation; but something that leaves an impression.

I know this is a just a thought. It needs to be executed.
As simple as this sentence seems, its execution my be difficult.

But I am ready to grind. I will take the risk.
It is something that cannot be undone. Something unusual, very rare...
But this is how it usually is.
I wish to go ahead with a single thought, simple belief, with all my vigour, unpreturbed devotion and unfailing actions.

I know its not easy...
But I am ready to dive in.
I am ready to take a plunge.
I am ready to make all efforts.
And give my 100 percent.
And not look back...
I am ready.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Done & Dusted!

what is done is dusted.
what is past is gone.
what exists is now.
and what is to come is tomorrow.
or is it already here???

what remains constant is change.
what remains the same is hope....
life at times seems like get, set & go!
for us, never to give up
and never to say a no!