Saturday, April 2, 2011

Results - Challenge 1

21 days into this and my success rate was 67%
The 33% consists of the days with super tiredness when I dozed off into sleep unplanned, a couple of nights when ppl being at home didn't make it possible.
Here are the positives I can draw from it.
1. I got over the mental block that one can't sleep sound without the soft comfort of the bed.
2. Its eco-friendly. With sleeping on the floor came abstinence of using the AC. A small reduction in the usage of AC brings down unnecessary usage of electricity increases my eco-friendly quotient. If not much then at my level I can do atleast this for mother earth.
3. A passing comment on saving money with a reduction in the electricity bill. I may have otherwise switched on the AC a couple if times. It needs to be highlighted that the coldness of the floor feels more pleasant than the chill of the ACs.
4. It has taken me closer to the non-materialistic simplistic life that i wish to live. That brings immense content and inner-peace alongwith.
5. More than anything else, it has given me a self-belief of embracing bigger and meaningful challenges that may be knocking.

So sleeping on the floor may sound weird and trivial but its a significant step in the intent to challenge myself and bring me out of my comfort zone.