Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Surge of Hormones.

Two kids – from slums again! One boy, one girl. Both smiling. Both willing to carry a wooden frame and dump it somewhere else.

The wooden frame - its cubical. A frame of a ‘once-upon-a-time’ and ‘now-no-more’ table. It’s reduced to a skeleton. It’s heavy and too thick to grip and lift for these nine year olds.

Both try to lift it, at opposite corners. Success! Now they need to walk past the road carrying it.
They start. Nearly five steps on and I see a sense of discomfort. Discomfort or is it desire to break the monotony? It’s the guy. He keeps walking, bends his back and tweaks himself. Still holding the load his narrow hands, he is at the centre of the cubical frame.

The girl leaves the boy at the mercy of the weight and does that readily. After all she is a girl, she isn’t supposed to do this work, is she?

Spreading his hands, he lifts it up. Head held high, he shouts like a he man. The girl jumps a couple of times and claps thrice!

Now following the girl, the boy crosses the street and drops it at the other side.
Smiles soon turn into jubilant laughter and claps into pats on the back. The guy broadens his shoulder, lifts his head, clenches his fists, pulls his biceps.

“I have done it!” is what he implies.
Good work indeed!

I start wondering how old is the guy? Is he even in double digits? Yet he is driven by a culprit called “Androgen”.
And the girl, who readily left all the hard work for the man, seems to be driven by her own set of hormones! Actually she only knows!

But that’s how things have changed – very fast in short.
Everything happens so early these days!


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