Monday, January 11, 2010

Money Matters!!!

No matter how deep I dig my hands into my pocket, they come out empty handed!
When I open my wallet, it smiles back - rather laughs - at me like an old man without any teeth!

I find a piece of plastic! With renewed zest, I go to the ATM (most Indians call it Any Time Machine not Automated Teller whatever!), enter the amount that has to come out, and all that I hear is a long beep!

I feel pitiful, like a teenager deprived of some A-Grade stuff by the over-smart and over-intelligent Indian Censor Board!

I come out, look up at the Yellow Street Light that barely overcomes the darkness of the night. I feel sorry for it; so does it, I guess, on me! And I wait for the morning sun to rise! But its cloudy out here! The Met Department confirms the same!!!

I go back to bed, pretend to be asleep, hoping I will sleep soon! And that my dreams will surround me soon!

And then...
I dont want to wake up again...


Friday, January 8, 2010


WHEN I LAY MY HEAD DOWN AT NIGHT THE QUESTIONS OF LIFE, LOVE, WORK, FRIENDS, THE WORLD IN GENERAL SEEM TO OVERWHELM ME. Ramblings are getting louder and more cluttered in my head. The thoughts, the emotions are flooding my soul and I can't control them anymore. How to contain the raging waters?
