Monday, January 11, 2010

Money Matters!!!

No matter how deep I dig my hands into my pocket, they come out empty handed!
When I open my wallet, it smiles back - rather laughs - at me like an old man without any teeth!

I find a piece of plastic! With renewed zest, I go to the ATM (most Indians call it Any Time Machine not Automated Teller whatever!), enter the amount that has to come out, and all that I hear is a long beep!

I feel pitiful, like a teenager deprived of some A-Grade stuff by the over-smart and over-intelligent Indian Censor Board!

I come out, look up at the Yellow Street Light that barely overcomes the darkness of the night. I feel sorry for it; so does it, I guess, on me! And I wait for the morning sun to rise! But its cloudy out here! The Met Department confirms the same!!!

I go back to bed, pretend to be asleep, hoping I will sleep soon! And that my dreams will surround me soon!

And then...
I dont want to wake up again...


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