Sunday, December 5, 2010


I am on a prowl.

I walk and walk, and keep on walking.
My eyes - as restless as ever - gazing around, scan every frame it can see.

It's night, it's dark, it's scary.
There is no living thing visible. Not even a hint of any movement. The only visible movement is of me and my shadows.

There is absolute silence.
Even the wind seems to have gone for sleep and everything else appears to be in deep slumber.

Time as they say seems to be paused.
My feet keep on moving ahead as I march ahead. However its my eyes that do the hardest bit of work. Constantly searching and looking...

A restless, determined, turbulent, anxious, unpreturbed, impatient, violent storm intensifies within me.
Everything outside seems to be like the lull - not before - but after the storm.

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