Sunday, April 28, 2019


I dont know...

Where lines straighten

And where lines bend,

Where things start

And where things end?

Will lights flash

Or will beams fade,

Do I have the guts

Or am I losing - skeptical & afraid?

What destiny holds

And what will I get

Whether I'll be happy

Or will I regret?

How will I succeed

Or what will fail,

Is it rough waters

Or a smooth sail?

Whether to climb up

Should I descend?

Do I carve my path

Or should I follow the trend?

Who is my foe

Who to trust as friend?

Also, if I bid them this moment

Will I get to see them again?

Its dark out in love, as well

And I cant see a thing

Is future a reality

Or is it just my dreams?

Stuck in a perpetual loop

And in middle of nowhere

Eyes look out

Mind rambles

Searching answers 

Here & there.

Within all my confusions

And all the imaginations

Some visible dreams

And some hallucinations

I pull some courage

And gather my strength

I push myself forward

Ready to take every challenge.

But as time moves far

And the world moves ahead,

Me and my thoughts - disoriented in Love,

Remain confined to my bed.

- Gaurav Satle (2010)

Saturday, April 27, 2019

No Longer Present

When you, once deeply in love,
Are all by yourself,
And have, besides you, your past

Along with some old memories
And a few songs
That had then become your ballads...

And when you,come across someone,
Equally disoriented in their Lost love,
Sharing their similar past experiences
With You,

And when you realise they had lived
Those moments with the same Intensity
And a purposeful sense
Of staying rooted to their adored loss,

It reminds you of yours,
It shakes you from within,
And you start re-living
Your extinct past again
Together with their recent past

The sharing of the flow of emotions
Becomes a complete, rounded conversation.
You witness a resonating echo
Of voices of your heart from theirs
Without having uttered A Word!

And when you discover,
In those conversations,
A possible future
And discovery of reinvention of yourself,
You realise

That You still have some life left within you,
And it is beautiful, probably more,
Than your rich past.

The absence of your past
Is fading and doesn't matter.
The presence of your future
Is blurred but felt very strongly.

You re-live a dream
And a beautiful one at that,
Although both - the past & future,
Are no longer present.