Monday, March 7, 2011

Lessons from a Leaf

I wish to be the leaf that falls off and flows along-with the river.
It doesn't know where its heading towards.
It doesn't even know whether it will get bruised out or remain healthy and for how long.
All it knows is to simply flow along the water to wherever the current takes it.
If the river dumps it at the banks, it gives itself to the sun and in the process gets worn out or gets dried up.
If the river takes it along the water stream, it gets torn apart and dissolves itself in water.
Whether it bears the brunt of the sun or the water, it gives itself completely to the water or the soil, it gives itself completely for the cause of a new life!

I want to be exactly like that.
A giver rather than a getter.
A hope for the better.
A source rather than an end.

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